Additional physical fitness certification centers for the disabled will be installed in Busan, Ulsan, and Suncheon, Jeollanam-do, where people with disabilities can manage their physical fitness for free.The Korea Disability Sports Association said on the 12th, “We plan to install physical fitness certification centers in Busan Hanmyeong Gymnasium, Suncheon Bandabi Gymnasium, and Ulsan General Sports Complex.” “From next year, you can use the physical fitness certification center anywhere in 17 provinces nationwide.”
The Korea Sports Council has been installing and operating physical fitness certification centers for the disabled since 2017 as part of a project to revitalize sports for the disabled.As of the 12th, a total of 17 centers are in operation across the country, including Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Daejeon, Daegu, and Jeju, and will increase to 20 next year.Anyone with a disability can use the center for free and receive guidance on physical fitness measurement, exercise methods, and exercise programs.People with disabilities who want to use the center can make 토토 a reservation on the website or by phone.